<span class="body-article"><strong>Mamata Pradhan</strong> is an aspiring model and an actress. She acted in the movie Rajya (2007), one year after starting her career in modeling. She is working on her new movie, Break Fail. She is more into acting than modeling. She suggests that the newcomers should understand, train and gain experience before venturing into the field.<br /> <br /> <strong>Why Kathmandu Craze? </strong><br /> She is extremely comfortable working with Kabindra Man Shakya, the founder of the website. Moreover, she thinks it’s an excellent platform for fresh faces in the field and would love to help those in every possible way.</span>
sita maiya rajchals naughty mind काे अाज राष्ट्रिय नाँचघर जमलमा महानायक राजेश हमाल राष्ट्रिय नाँचघरक...
तस्वीरहरु ः सुजित खनाल सिजन मिडियाद्वारा डा भोला रिजाललाई ‘लाइफ टाइम अचिभमेन्ट अवार्ड तथा सम्म...