
Sumina Ghimire

Nepali model and Actress Sumina entered Nepali Movie industry with her debut movie "Chabbi lal kanjoos chaina".Her movies includes: Sadak,Jai hos,Kina Maya ma,Dulahi etc. She is currently working on a movie "Raang" by Roshan Hamal. She wants to be a successful actress and along with that she wants to continue her studies and at-least get a masters degree. Hows the present condition of movie industry?? >>>Sumina: At present, movie industry is not doing good. Its hard for making a film and even harder for it to make profit. Why do you photo-shoot?? >>>Sumina: I love having my photo-shoot in different style and trends. I want to see how i look in different styles. How was the photo-shoot?? >>>Sumina: It was good. I had a pleasant photo-shoot experience. I am looking forward to work with Mr. Kabindra Man Shakya again.

DOB Jul 23
Zodiac Leo
Height5 Ft. 4 inches
Waist 30 in
Bust 36 in
Eye Black
Hair Black


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