
Dipsikha Khadka

Dipshika started off as a Vj and later she did several music videos and debuted in movie industry with Just for You movie. She has also worked in movies like Kartut, Prem Bivah etc. According to her Nepali movie industry has developed a lot from past but also viewers are decreasing. One can survive with movie line as a career but a side business or job to support economically would be great. To her glamour is the way how one sees himself. She suggests the up-comers to come in this field only if they one to build a career or its better not to come if its just for fun. ABOUT PHOTOSHOOT:: Dipshika says: "Its my 18th photo-shoot and I had a fun time with everyone. I am very happy with the photo-shoot and expected a lot from the final photos."

DOB Nov 02
Zodiac Pisces
Height5 Ft. 2 inches
Waist 24 in
Bust 35 in
Eye Black
Hair Brown


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