
Kalpana Shahi

Kalpana is a new actress who recently debuted with the movie "Mann Pare Pachi". Before this, she was into modelling and she still loves modelling. In her free time, she likes to hangout with friends and watch movies. Her favorite actor and actress is Rajesh Hamal & Karishma Manandhar respectively. She is fond of their acting skill and one day she would like to reach that position. She suggests the new comers to come int the movie industry only when they have complete knowledge about this field and acting skill is must. How was the photo-shoot at kathmanducraze.com?? >>>Kalpana : The photo-shoot turned out really well. I am satisfied with the photos. This day will be in my memory forever.

DOB May 04
Zodiac Aries
Height5 Ft 6 In
Waist 26 in
Bust 35 in
Eye Black
Hair Black


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